No clue what is going on, but I feel like I'm on pins and needles. And the sucky thing is that it seems like every time I start to relax, something jarring pops up. Example: yesterday was just plain beautiful outside. So I decided to pop on my swim suit and go lay out by the complex's pool. I was there a solid hour and was all relaxed (I'm a Leo, the sun makes me naturally happy) I walk back inside my apartment and gasp. Pure panic.
Bits of Dove Promises' wrappers all over the floor. My 15-lb dog managed to pull a Target bag off the coffee table and destroy the bag. Dog owners know that chocolate is pure death for a dog, so I called the vet immediately. They gave me two options - bring him to the after hours emergency clinic ($125) or call ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Hotline ($65). Ok, despite my panic, did anyone else realize there was poison control for pets?! I was oddly impressed. I decided to go that route. Called the 800 number and within minutes was talking to a representative telling the story. Seeing as how my pup destroyed the ENTIRE bag, they determined that yes, that is a deadly dose. The vet advised me to give him 1 tbs of hydrogen peroxide, walk him around for 15 minutes and induce vomiting. If after that 15 minutes nothing happened, I was to give him another 1 tbs.
Have you ever had to force feed a dog? Not just force feed, but force feed a liquid?! Oh the horror. I even had a kids medicine syringe, but my pup has an amazing gag reflex and was coughing it up immediately. Finally I had to straddle my dog, pop his head back and basically choke him with the peroxide. But it went down. The true horror began.
Anyone who tells me that I am not prepared for a baby, clearly has never seen me handle projectile milk chocolate dog vomit. It did not stop. So for an hour I dealt with inducing sickness in my dog. After it was over with, the representative called me back to check to see how he was doing. I felt that he had "expelled" enough material that she advised giving him water and a handful of kibble to see if he could keep it down. He did. I was to monitor his activity level and if he became lethargic or stopped eating, I was to take him to the vet.
He's been fine ever since.
Jeeeeeeeez-us! Whatever relaxation vibe I had was dead.
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